
Benchmark Corporate Travel Policies in 2021

Take a Quick Travel Policy Survey

Understanding the Pandemic’s Impact

Find out how other EHS&S organizations are handling travel policies for business and meetings in 2021. By participating in NAEM’s survey, you’ll get a data-driven snapshot of how companies are managing travel policies.

NAEM’s short survey investigates how business travel policies will evolve in the coming year as companies continue to manage through COVID-based business challenges.

Thank you, in advance, for your participation. In addition to being a great benchmark for you, the responses will help ensure NAEM’s 2021 programming and resources best serve our community’s current reality.

NAEM’s Privacy Policy
NAEM respects the privacy of its members and survey participants. Each response will be held totally confidential and will not be attributed to a specific responder or company. However, the collective anonymous results will be shared with those who receive the report. NAEM reserves the right to publish the collective results.

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