NAEM 2022 EHS & Sustainability Management Forum

FORUM22 Speaker Biographies

Charles Redinger

Charles Redinger, PhD, MPA, CIH, FAIHA

The Redinger Group

Dr. Redinger is an advocate for EHSS professionals. His evolutionary teaching, coaching, and frameworks supports them in building future-ready companies that provide sustained value, positive impact, and risk resilience. His research has included: leveraging EHSS to impact organizational health; risk as a generative social field; and, using risk management as a vehicle to impact organizational culture. Dr. Redinger was a founding director of the Center for Safety and Health Sustainability. He served as a member of the Advisory Council to the RWJF/GRI Culture of Health for Business initiative, has served on the CDC/NIOSH Board of Scientific Counselors, and is currently a strategic advisor to the Capitals Coalition.