Strengthen your relationships with EHS&S industry leaders
Join an elite group of trusted EHS&S vendors. NAEM's Affiliates Council is a unique opportunity for enterprise-level service providers and consulting firms who have demonstrated deep expertise, strong sustainability leadership, and long-term commitment to NAEM's mission.
- Elevate your brand.
- Gain unique access to key corporate decision-makers in the Fortune 500.
- Contribute your deep technical expertise and insightful ideas to NAEM conferences, webinars and benchmarking content.
Affiliate Council Member Benefits
Consultants & Vendors
- Promotional opportunities and discounts
- First access to facilitate, host, and/or sponsor events, including NAEM's EHS&S Management Forum, the largest annual conference for EHS&S leaders
- Opportunity to participate on conference planning committees
- Opportunity to contribute to NAEM's monthly webinar series
- Formal place in NAEM's governance
Membership in the Council is available on an enterprise-wide basis only. Individual consultants are not eligible to join.
Briana MunceyManager of Member Services & Administration
(202) 986-6616 • briana at naem dot org
Affiliate Member Dues
Based on annual gross revenueLess than $1 million
Membership: $1,500 per year
$1 million to $10 million
Membership: $1,750 per year
$10 million to $50 million
Membership: $3,000 per year
$50 million to $100 million
Membership: $3,500 per year
$100 million to $1 billion
Membership: $4,000 per year
More than $1 billion
Membership: $4,500 per year
Our Affiliate Members
"Being active in the NAEM community has been central to my business accomplishments over the past 26 years. Supporting NAEM programing through the Affiliates Council and in doing so contributing to the professional development of EHS&S leaders has also been very rewarding."
— Monty Lovejoy, Principal & Director, Industrial Key Accounts, Ramboll Group