Jon Timbers
Chief Sustainability Officer
Jon Timbers is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Epsilyte, the second-largest producer of EPS in North America. He has been in the petrochemical industry for over 20 years, focusing on innovation and sustainability for the last six years. Jon's specialty is right-sized ESG programs for small to medium-sized companies. He has broad experience leveraging technology and innovation to bring new end-of-life solutions to the market for plastics. Jon’s experience includes the launch of Regenyx, the world's first commercial advanced recycling facility, and EVRgreen® biodegradable technology for EPS.
Jon sits on the PLASTICS Industry Association Sustainability Advisory Board and the American Chemistry Council's State and Government Affairs Committee. He holds a Chemistry and Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Michigan.
Jon sits on the PLASTICS Industry Association Sustainability Advisory Board and the American Chemistry Council's State and Government Affairs Committee. He holds a Chemistry and Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Michigan.