Quick Polls
An Exclusive Benefit for Corporate MembersAsk confidential EHS&S questions and get quick answers and resources from fellow corporate members. NAEM's Quick Polls put the power of our corporate member network at your fingertips.
- Quickly benchmark on how other companies are managing a range of issues
- Get feedback from member companies to help you make the business case or create a roadmap for a new idea
- Get a quick list of member-recommended resources to solve a problem
Top Quick Poll Topics

Retail Lone Worker Policies
May 2024A corporate member company is interested in benchmarking about lone worker retail policies. Corporate members can download the results here.

Waste Data Reporting Process
December 2023Review this quick poll to better understand how other companies manage waste data reporting from their manufacturing, distribution, R&D, office and retail spaces. Corporate members can download the results here.

PFAS Waste Streams
November 2023An NAEM member company is working on PFAS at their facilities and operations. There is high urgency around understanding PFAS in their waste streams due to regulatory requirements in place today. Corporate members can download the results here.

EHS Employee Rewards Programs
July 2023An NAEM Member Company is in the process of changing their legacy EHS employee rewards programs. Currently, rewards for performance are linked to lagging indicators and input from fellow members would help improve the program. Corporate members can download the results here.

Corporate ESG Certifications
June 2023An NAEM Member Company is looking into corporate ESG Certifications to understand what certifications are out there and who is using them. They are interested in knowing about any 3rd ESG Certifications that encompass all aspects of ESG and that go beyond one element of ESG (e.g. ISO 14001 for Environmental, 45001 for S&H, etc.) or are data entry frameworks (CDP) or ratings organizations (MSCI, Sustainalytics). Corporate members can download the results here.
Benchmark with NAEM's 100+ Corporate Members
NAEM members are from across industry sectors and committed to advancing EHS&S management excellence and sharing best practices through our network.To learn more about the unique benefits and value that corporate membership could add to your organization, please contact us at [sales at naem dot org].
"NAEM's Benchmark Reports and Quick Polls have provided me with tools to solve EHS&S challenges in my job and find the data I needed to encourage my company to take new initiatives."
— Caroline Smith, Director of EHS & Sustainability