Why Diversity and Inclusion is a Winning Strategy for EHS&S Teams

Published on: May 1, 2019
Look ahead to how the workforce is evolving, recognize value in employees at all levels, open up lines of communication and deliver bottom-line results. You'll find specific examples and advice from companies that have built world-class diversity and inclusion programs to strengthen your EHS&S management practices.

Key Takeaways

  • What diversity and inclusion mean for staffing, structuring, managing and developing your team
  • Key strategies to strengthen diversity
  • The business results these strategies can achieve

“This work being done by NAEM is vital to the EHS&S industry as companies encourage and empower people by providing an environmental where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. GHD is privileged to have the opportunity to support NAEM’s great work in this area with our commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace.” Greg Carli, Executive Advisor, ESG & Strategic Sustainability; GHD

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