Best of 2020 in EHS & Sustainability

NAEM Staff
December 15, 2020
Best of 2020
Throughout the year, EHS & Sustainability leaders looked to NAEM for information and tools to manage the challenges of COVID-19, to update their technology solutions, and to prepare their EHS&S departments for the future.

Below are the most popular EHS&S research, webinars and blog posts from 2020.

Top 3 Most-Downloaded Reports

2020 EHS & Sustainability Salary Report2020 EHS & Sustainability Salary Report
Compare your compensation package and arm yourself with the market knowledge needed to negotiate a competitive salary or restructure team compensation.

2020 EHS&S Staffing, Structure & Budgets Benchmark2020 EHS&S Staffing, Structure & Budget Report Executive Summary
Are you looking to optimize and reorganize your EHS & Sustainability team? Use NAEM's report to benchmark how other companies are staffing, structuring and budgeting for their EHS&S departments.

How COVID-19 is Impacting the EHS FunctionHow COVID-19 Is Impacting the EHS Function: The First Industry Benchmark
Learn how other companies have reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has impacted their EHS operations, based on a quantitative benchmarking survey, interviews, and facilitated group discussions.

Top 4 Most-Attended Webinars

Virtual EHS AuditVirtual Audits: Planning is Key
Learn how to initiate an agile planning process driven by continuous improvement to achieve better performance even while launching virtual audits

Tips to Getting Your Business Ready to Re-Open In Person and Keeping Those Already Working in Person SafeGetting Your Business Ready to Re-Open In Person or Keeping Essential Employees Safe
Discover a number of great solutions for EHS&S professionals to address short-term and long-term needs. Speakers will also discuss how these plans can impact broader ESG frameworks.

NAEM Webinar - EHS and Sustainability Staffing, Structure and BudgetsBenchmark How You Staff, Structure and Budget Your EHS&S Team
If you're looking to reorganize your EHS & Sustainability (EHS&S) team, need to make the case to hire new EHS&S staff or would like a benchmark data analysis of how other companies are staffing, structuring and budgeting their EHS&S teams, don't miss this webinar.

Trends In Emerging Tech for EHSSThe State of Emerging Tech in EHS&S
Learn which EHS&S emerging technologies are really being adopted and why. This webinar also addresses how companies are budgeting for emerging technology and software, and helps you navigate which technologies will be worth your time and resource investment.

Top 5 Most-Read Blog Posts

Crisis leadershipLeadership in Uncertain Times
By Alex Pollock

Studies of the lives of men and women who shaped history, as documented in "Profiles in Leadership" (Alan Axelrod, 2003), revealed some leadership lessons that are valid in this trying time and will be just as applicable in the future.

EHS - On the Front Lines of COVID-19EHS&S: On the Front Lines of COVID-19
The duration and breadth of impact of the COVID pandemic are changing the typical ground rules of emergency response and employee health management. It is likely that the collective processes and new behaviors could outlast the pandemic itself and change the way people relate to each other in the workforce.

Extending The Digital EHS&S Platform for Covid-19 Response & Risk Mitigation – Practical PerspectivesExtending The Digital EHS&S Platform for Covid-19 Response & Risk Mitigation – Practical Perspectives
By R Mukund, Gensuite

As the Covid-19 pandemic transitions worldwide to a focus on operational continuity, organizations increasingly need ways to manage and mitigate the risks from Covid-19 in the workplace.

EHS Leads Companies' COVID-19 Response: "An EHS Leader Knows How to Implement"
The EHS function is at the center of their company's response to COVID-19, and EHS leaders are uniquely prepared to take on the management challenges created by this pandemic.

Key Policies, Practices and Preparations for Employee Re-EntryKey Policies, Practices and Preparations for Employee Re-Entry
To ensure employees already on-site and those re-entering are protected, there are many decisions and execution plans to put in place about the employee working environment, reorganizing the physical layout of facilities and offices, and monitoring complex regulatory mandates.

Topics: EHS&S Strategy

About the Author

NAEM Staff
The National Association for Environmental, Health and Safety, and Sustainability (EHS&S) Management (NAEM) empowers corporate leaders to advance environmental stewardship, create safe and healthy workplaces and promote global sustainability. As the leading business community for EHS&S decision-makers, we provide engaging forums, a curated network, peer benchmarking, research insights and tools for solving today’s corporate EHS&S management challenges. Visit us online at

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