Communicating EHS&S Risk to the C-Suite: Three Takeaways From the Forum
BlogUsing these three keys as a guide, you can more effectively communicate EHS&S risk with those in your C-suite to achieve positive outcomes not only for your department, but for your entire organization. -
Nancy Sutley's Advice to Aspiring Environmental Leaders: Never Lose Sight of the Purpose
BlogNancy Sutley, former Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and a chief architect of President Obama's 2013 Climate Action Plan, shares early career lessons, how to lead change, and how to get stakeholders of different perspectives to align around the same goal. -
Cultivating Success: Three Career Strategies to Advance Yours and Others' Careers
Blog Sponsored"Very powerful advice that still resonates with me today: Lift others up as you are advancing yourself. While this is one of the strategies of how I got to where I am today...there are three other lessons I’ve learned that are key to advancing your career and that of others." -
To Effect Change, Show the Value in Day-to-Day Operations
BlogEHS&S professionals are talented, passionate people who bring a lot of great ideas to the table. But even the best and most-needed improvements are still a change. -
Diversity and Inclusion is About Much More Than Race and Gender
BlogThe key to building a competitive 21st-century workforce is to not only attract diverse applicants but to cultivate a workspace where all employees, regardless of gender, race, age or length of employment, are invited to participate. -
Finding My Leadership Voice: What I Wish I had Learned Earlier in My Career
BlogWhile I cannot discount the role of “with age comes wisdom,” there have been a few significant inflection points in my journey to find my leadership voice. -
Finding the Courage to Have the Conversations that Count
BlogSometimes it can be really hard to confront others because we’re afraid that they won’t like us afterwards. To be a courageous leader, though, you have to balance compassion for people with the strength to be okay with uncomfortable silence. -
3 Things To Do Before You Can Measure EHS&S Risk
Blog SponsoredBecause you can't accurately assess something you can't measure, finding the right way to measure EHS&S risk is crucial for organizations. -
Cultivating a Meaningful Career Through Passion, Professional Development and Perseverance
BlogI stay engaged in my work because people need to make a living to support themselves and their families. I look at my role as someone who works “behind the scenes” so that they can perform their duties and not get injured. -
How to Transform Your Company's Safety Culture by Creating a Shared Belief
BlogHow do you get employees to actively engage and participate in your organizations safety efforts? How do you motivate employees to positively impact safety performance and culture? How do you turn your entire workforce into a safety improvement team? A 'shared belief' has the power to make it happen. -
Finding a Winning Formula for Employee Engagement
BlogTo create a culture of sustainability, companies must invite participation from employees at every level of the organization. Doing this, however, is easier said than done. Where do you begin? How do you effectively communicate with employees? And how do you measure results? -
“Not On My Watch”: How Sandy Stash Found Career Success by Leading Change in Challenging Environments
BlogA petroleum engineer by training, Sandy Stash was one of the first women to work as a drilling engineer and drilling rig foreman at ARCO locations across North America. Today she is the Global Senior Vice President of Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Operational Assurance at Talisman Energy. -
The Art of Selling Environment, Health and Safety
Blog SponsoredWe know that EHS programs don’t succeed without senior management support. But to gain this support, you must know how to sell your program, find out how by reading this post.