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The GreenTie Blog

Learn from authors whose work and thought leadership has advanced the professional practice of EHS & Sustainability management
  • Executive Engagement: A Roadmap for Driving a Culture of EHS Accountability

    By: Mary House Erika Lloyd
    June 1, 2023
    Executive Engagement: A Roadmap for Driving a Culture of EHS Accountability
    No matter how hard your team works, advancing Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) performance cannot be successful, innovative, or sustainable without executive-level support and accountability. Like any other key part of your business, a successful EHS program requires resources, reinforcement, and cultural buy-in that will be most effective when driven from the top down.
  • Building the Case for EHS Software: How to Gather the Data You Need

    By: Jeramy Hurt
    May 24, 2023
    NAEM Blog: Building the Case for EHS Software: How to Gather the Data You Need
    Convincing decision-makers to invest in EHS software requires a solid business case backed by reliable data. This article will guide you through the data gathering process to create a compelling case for adopting EHS software.
  • Ensuring Quality Data Collection for Scope 3 Inventories: Tips and Tricks

    By: Nicole Vaynshtok
    May 9, 2023
    Ensuring Quality Data Collection for Scope 3 Initiatives: Tips & Tricks
    Scope 3 greenhouse (GHG) inventories have become an essential tool for organizations seeking to improve their environmental performance. Their disclosure might even become mandatory in the US based on proposed requirements from the SEC. The quality of an inventory is only as good as the data used to create it but collecting Scope 3 data can be intimidating. To get you started, here are some tips to help navigate the supplier engagement and data collection process.
  • Prepare Now for PFAS & Parts Obsolescence

    By: Cally Edgren
    March 20, 2023
    As one of the world’s largest manufacturers, 3M has a profound influence on the global supply chain. That’s why it’s so important to understand the operational impact of their decision to cease the manufacture of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by the end of 2025.
  • Engage the Workforce with a Mobile-First Approach to EHS

    By: Jacob Zollinger
    March 7, 2023
    Some of us have spent hours trying to make software work, but most people make a decision in minutes or even seconds. When this happens, and employees reject new technology, it may seem like the workforce just isn’t ready for change. But maybe we should be asking ourselves WHY that software implementation didn’t work. When it comes to streamlining processes, disseminating accurate and critical information, and ensuring a high adoption rate across the workforce — the key to success is leveraging a true mobile-first approach.
  • The Significance of ESG Reporting Automation

    By: Barry Ginsburg Javeria Awan
    February 22, 2023
    NAEM Blog: The Significance of ESG Reporting Automation
    The business world is constantly changing and the good news for all of us is that the recent ESG reporting requirements will change it for the better. More transparency, more comparability and more corporate responsibility are on the way.
  • ESG and Sustainability: Activism or Business Value Enabling?

    By: Peter Walsh
    February 17, 2023
    NAEM Blog ESG and Sustainability: Activism or Business Value Enabling?
    The transformation to ESG started out as a framework to build business resiliency and effective risk management.
  • The Benefits Of Implementing EHS Processes On An Existing Enterprise Platform With Serenity

    By: Fraser Dickie
    February 7, 2023
    NAEM Blog: The Benefits of Implementing EHS Processes on an Existing Enterprise Platform with Serenity
    As the importance of environmental, health, and safety (EHS) processes continues to grow in today's business world, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to have a reliable and efficient system for managing these processes.
  • Software Solutions for ESG Data Management and Reporting

    By: Joy Inouye
    February 3, 2023
    Software Solutions for ESG Data Management and Reporting
    Preparing voluntary and mandatory ESG reports and sustainability disclosures has become a top priority for many corporations in the last two years as a way to demonstrate accountability and transparency to stakeholders.
  • The Future of Machine Learning in EHS and ESG

    By: Phil Molé
    January 31, 2023
    NAEM Blog: The Future of Machine Learning in EHS and ESG
    “Machine learning” is a general name given to any technology-based approach that uses methods that “learn” or adapt, and in doing so, help the user solve problems using data.